ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox

To enable users to use an ixi-UMS voice mailbox, the "Voice-mailbox" function must be activated on ixi-UMS Business Server. The basic settings can be made globally on the ixi-UMS Business server and are valid for all users when "System default" is selected in the configuration. It is only necessary to enter user-specific settings in the user administration. If the Voice-mailbox is deactivated for a user, the caller receives a corresponding announcement and can not leave a message.

Set an authorization level if it is different from the settings on the ixi-UMS Business server.



System defaults:

The settings on the ixi-UMS Business server are valid


Only Voice-mailbox:

The user can only set up his voice-mailbox via the browser-based ixi-UMS voice-mailbox configuration.


Voice-mailbox with login via telephone

The user can log in by phone, recording his/her announcements, and make all profile settings.


Voice-mailbox, Login via telephone and remote inquiry:

The user can log in, make the profile settings, and listen to his messages.

This setting is not available if you selected "Store ixi-UMS Messages only locally".



The PIN is required for login on the phone. If no PIN is assigned, the PIN is automatically assigned when sending the welcome mail

If no welcome mail is sent, the PIN is default set to 12345.


Unlock and / or create new PIN

If the voice mailbox has been blocked by entering the wrong PIN several times, this can be unlocked here.


If ixi-UMS Business is connectet to a mail system, a "Welcome mail" will be automatically sent the next time you call to the voice mailbox number or if you send the mail via the Button "Send Welcome Mail"

If a (new) PIN is stored, this is entered in the mail, if the field is empty, a new PIN is generated.


By default, the users of each phone can select their voice mailbox number and log in using a PIN input.

If "Login from the office phone without entering PIN" is activated, the user can connect his voice telephone with his voice mailbox without a PIN.

The office phone is the telephone number entered in the LDAP database under "telephone number".


MAP login and IMAP password are essential for remote enquiry of messages by telephone.

This setting is not available if you selected "Store ixi-UMS Messages only locally".




If a Microsoft Exchange Server as mail server and Active Directory is used as a user database, only the (Windows) password must be specified.


The users can store these data themselves via the web-based ixi-UMS voice-mailbox configuration.


In order to use the notifications at the office telephone by means of "Message Waiting Indication", you must make the corresponding settings in the ixi-UMS Business configuration.

The user is then informed of incoming voice messages via MWI.

If you set it in the ixi-UMS Business server configuration, the user can change this setting in the ixi-UMS voice mailbox configuration.



In order to inform the user via MWI, his telephone number must be entered in the user administration in the format:

+49 8142 4799555.


Version 7