Connecting the telephone system via ECSTA

To operate this software a TAPI or CSTA driver for your telephone system is necessary if you want to control your telephone.

A TAPI driver is a system component made available by the manufacturer of your telephone system or another provider (free of charge or for a fee). The TAPI-driver connects the CTI software to the telephony terminal device. Each TAPI-driver supports different functions depending on the implementation. Not all functions which you can perform on the phone itself are always available on the PC.

With estos ProCall a CSTA driver is supplied for some telephone systems which communicates with the CSTA interface of the telephone system. The setup of the connection to the respective telephone system as well as the requirements in the telephone system for the use of the CSTA driver differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. For the drivers supplied with estos ProCall, please refer to the notes for your telephone system:

For instructions on setting up ECSTA, see Setting up ECSTA.

estos ProCall supports connection to a telephone system and hence the creation of an instance.
