The ECSTA for Mitel MiVoice Office 400 requires at least version 3.1 telephone systems.
The connection to the telephone system is established using CSTA Phase III XML(ed5).
CSTA licenses are required in the telephone system.
The driver automatically makes available all devices currently available in the telephone system as Tapi lines. These lines are automatically updated at runtime.
The following settings must be made in the telephone system via the browser-based configuration.
Please note the following
The availability of the licenses in the system is only checked when the Tapi lines are opened. If a line cannot be opened, this might be because there are no corresponding licenses available in the system.
For information on setting up ECSTA for Mitel MiVoice Office 400, see Setting up ECSTA.
estos ProCall supports connection to a telephone system and hence the creation of an instance. |
The driver offers the following TAPI call control operations.
Action: | Corresponding TAPI function: |
Dial | TSPI_lineMakecall |
Hang up | TSPI_lineDrop |
Answer call | TSPI_lineAnswer |
Hold call | TSPI_lineHold |
Retrieve call | TSPI_lineUnhold |
Redirect call | TSPI_lineRedirect |
Blind transfer | TSPI_lineBlindTransfer |
Setup transfer | TSPI_lineSetupTransfer |
Swap hold | TSPI_lineSwapHold |
Complete transfer | TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer (LINETRANSFERMODE_TRANSFER) |
Create conference | TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer (LINETRANSFERMODE_CONFERENCE) |
Add to conference | TSPI_lineAddToConference |
Remove from conference | TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference |
Pickup | TSPI_linePickup |
DTMF dialing | TSPI_lineGenerateDigits |
Dial in dial tone mode | TSPI_lineDial |
Forwarding | TSPI_lineForward TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus
Message waiting | TSPI_lineSetLineDevStatus TSPI_lineGetLineDevStatus |
The following TAPI functions are implemented due to requirements of the TAPI subsystem.
Other functions exported by the driver: |
TSPI_lineSendUserUserInfo |
TSPI_lineClose |
TSPI_lineCloseCall |
TSPI_lineConditionalMediaDetection |
TSPI_lineDevSpecific |
TSPI_lineDevSpecificFeature |
TSPI_lineGetDevConfig |
TSPI_lineSetDevConfig |
TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps |
TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus |
TSPI_lineGetAddressID |
TSPI_lineGetCallAddressID |
TSPI_lineGetCallInfo |
TSPI_lineGetCallStatus |
TSPI_lineGetDevCaps |
TSPI_lineGetExtensionID |
TSPI_lineGetIcon |
TSPI_lineGetID |
TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs |
TSPI_lineNegotiateExtVersion |
TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion |
TSPI_lineOpen |
TSPI_lineSelectExtVersion |
TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection |
TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages |
TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific |
TSPI_lineSetCallData |
TSPI_providerCreateLineDevice |
TSPI_providerEnumDevices |
TSPI_providerFreeDialogInstance |
TSPI_providerGenericDialogData |
TSPI_providerInit |
TSPI_providerShutdown |
TSPI_providerUIIdentify |
TSPI_lineGetCallIDs |
TUISPI_lineConfigDialog |
TUISPI_lineConfigDialogEdit |
TUISPI_providerConfig |
TUISPI_providerInstall |
TUISPI_providerRemove |
TUISPI_providerGenericDialog |
TUISPI_providerGenericDialogData |