The operation of the driver requires a correct installation and configuration of the Avaya-One-X-Portal and Avaya-IP-Office. The firmware of Avaya IP Office must be "Release-Version R.10.1" or higher.
The estos ECSTA for Avaya IP Office connects to the Avaya IP Office via Port 8080 (for PBX Firmware versions Release R.10.1) or via Port 9443 (for PBX Firmware versions Release R.11) via the Avaya-One-X-Portal.
Free licenses must be available for "CTI Link Pro".
The estos ECSTA for Avaya IP Office logs in with a user account on the Avaya-One-X-Portal. This user account must be set up in the Security Settings of the Avaya IP Office Manager as a member of the TCPA Group.
In addition, the following configuration entries must be made via the Avaya IP Office Manager in the group of administrators:
For information on setting up ECSTA for Avaya IP Office, see Setting Up ECSTA.
estos ProCall supports connection to a telephone system and hence the creation of an instance. |
The driver offers the following TAPI call control operations.
Action: | Corresponding TAPI function: |
Dial | TSPI_lineMakecall |
Hang up | TSPI_lineDrop |
Answer call | TSPI_lineAnswer |
Hold call | TSPI_lineHold |
Retrieve call | TSPI_lineUnhold |
Forwarding in call state² | TSPI_lineRedirect |
Blind transfer² | TSPI_lineBlindTransfer |
Setup transfer | TSPI_lineSetupTransfer |
Swap hold | TSPI_lineSwapHold |
Complete transfer | TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer (LINETRANSFERMODE_TRANSFER) |
Create conference¹ | TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer (LINETRANSFERMODE_CONFERENCE) |
Forwarding | TSPI_lineForward TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus
Do not disturb | TSPI_lineForward TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus |
¹After a successfully initiated conference, the driver signals to the participants involved in the conference that they are each connected to the conference room. This signaling also corresponds to the indication in the display of the end devices.
²Since the phone number information signaled by Avaya IP Office regarding the forwarding subscriber or forwarding destination is inconsistent, the Redirecting and Redirection DeviceID is not provided by the driver.
The following TAPI functions are implemented due to requirements of the TAPI subsystem.
Other functions exported by the driver: |
TSPI_lineSendUserUserInfo |
TSPI_lineClose |
TSPI_lineCloseCall |
TSPI_lineConditionalMediaDetection |
TSPI_lineDevSpecific |
TSPI_lineDevSpecificFeature |
TSPI_lineGetDevConfig |
TSPI_lineSetDevConfig |
TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps |
TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus |
TSPI_lineGetAddressID |
TSPI_lineGetCallAddressID |
TSPI_lineGetCallInfo |
TSPI_lineGetCallStatus |
TSPI_lineGetDevCaps |
TSPI_lineGetExtensionID |
TSPI_lineGetIcon |
TSPI_lineGetID |
TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs |
TSPI_lineNegotiateExtVersion |
TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion |
TSPI_lineOpen |
TSPI_lineSelectExtVersion |
TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection |
TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages |
TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific |
TSPI_lineSetCallData |
TSPI_providerCreateLineDevice |
TSPI_providerEnumDevices |
TSPI_providerFreeDialogInstance |
TSPI_providerGenericDialogData |
TSPI_providerInit |
TSPI_providerShutdown |
TSPI_providerUIIdentify |
TSPI_lineGetCallIDs |
TUISPI_lineConfigDialog |
TUISPI_lineConfigDialogEdit |
TUISPI_providerConfig |
TUISPI_providerInstall |
TUISPI_providerRemove |
TUISPI_providerGenericDialog |
TUISPI_providerGenericDialogData |