The estos ECSTA for Panasonic controls and monitors telephones on a Panasonic telephone system.
The connection to the telephone system is established using CSTA Phase III.
Connection occurs exclusively via LAN (TCP/IP).
Licenses are required in the telephone system for operation in a Panasonic telephone system:
Informationen zum Einrichten des ECSTA for Panasonic finden unter ECSTA einrichten
estos ProCall supports connection to a telephone system and hence the creation of an instance. |
The driver offers the following TAPI call control operations.
Action: | Corresponding TAPI function: |
Dial | TSPI_lineMakecall |
Hang up | TSPI_lineDrop |
Answer call | TSPI_lineAnswer |
Hold call | TSPI_lineHold |
Retrieve call | TSPI_lineUnhold |
Redirect call | TSPI_lineRedirect |
Blind transfer | TSPI_lineBlindTransfer |
Setup transfer | TSPI_lineSetupTransfer |
Swap hold | TSPI_lineSwapHold |
Complete transfer | TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer (LINETRANSFERMODE_TRANSFER) |
Create conference | TSPI_lineCompleteTransfer (LINETRANSFERMODE_CONFERENCE) |
Add to conference | TSPI_lineAddToConference |
Remove from conference | TSPI_lineRemoveFromConference |
Pickup | TSPI_linePickup |
DTMF dialing | TSPI_lineGenerateDigits |
Dial in dial tone mode | TSPI_lineDial |
Callback busy | TSPI_lineCompleteCall (LINECALLFEATURE2_COMPLCALLBACK) |
Connection to an existing call | TSPI_lineCompleteCall (LINECALLFEATURE2_COMPLINTRUDE) |
Forwarding | TSPI_lineForward TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus
The following TAPI functions are implemented due to requirements of the TAPI subsystem.
Other functions exported by the driver: |
TSPI_lineSendUserUserInfo |
TSPI_lineClose |
TSPI_lineCloseCall |
TSPI_lineConditionalMediaDetection |
TSPI_lineDevSpecific |
TSPI_lineDevSpecificFeature |
TSPI_lineGetDevConfig |
TSPI_lineSetDevConfig |
TSPI_lineGetAddressCaps |
TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus |
TSPI_lineGetAddressID |
TSPI_lineGetCallAddressID |
TSPI_lineGetCallInfo |
TSPI_lineGetCallStatus |
TSPI_lineGetDevCaps |
TSPI_lineGetExtensionID |
TSPI_lineGetIcon |
TSPI_lineGetID |
TSPI_lineGetNumAddressIDs |
TSPI_lineNegotiateExtVersion |
TSPI_lineNegotiateTSPIVersion |
TSPI_lineOpen |
TSPI_lineSelectExtVersion |
TSPI_lineSetDefaultMediaDetection |
TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages |
TSPI_lineSetAppSpecific |
TSPI_lineSetCallData |
TSPI_providerCreateLineDevice |
TSPI_providerEnumDevices |
TSPI_providerFreeDialogInstance |
TSPI_providerGenericDialogData |
TSPI_providerInit |
TSPI_providerShutdown |
TSPI_providerUIIdentify |
TSPI_lineGetCallIDs |
TUISPI_lineConfigDialog |
TUISPI_lineConfigDialogEdit |
TUISPI_providerConfig |
TUISPI_providerInstall |
TUISPI_providerRemove |
TUISPI_providerGenericDialog |
TUISPI_providerGenericDialogData |
Super Twin Function
The driver has two addresses for each line. The second address contains the designation 'Mobile'. The second address is only used for lines that currently have a Super-Twin DECT device assigned.