Module Transfer

By the module "Transfer" Vermittlung, the actual transfer to a telephone is defined.




The Transfer-module by default does not have a prompt.

If a announcement shall be played before the actual transfer of the caller (e.g. "You are transferred to .... Please hold the line), this option can be addressed in the context menu of the module.


After that, the caller is transferred to the determined number. If there are several destination numbers and if an extension is busy or the call is not answered, the next number is dialled. Every entered extension is only dialled ONCE. For how long it is dialled, depend on the determined "Timeout in sec."

If an extension shall be dialled several times, it must be entered several times.


Between the transfer tries, the Wait Music is played (optional). If there is not wait music available, the next number is dialled immediately.

If none of the extensions is available, the general prompt and the superordinate menu are played.


Transfer Destinations

By clicking into the field "Phnone Numer", you can enter a list with Transfer Destinations.

If this is an internal destination, please enter only the extension. External destinations must be specified in canonical format, this means with country code (e.g. +4981424799123).




Every entered extension is only dialled ONCE. For how long it is dialled, depend on the determined "Timeout in sec."

If an extension shall be dialled several times, it must be entered several times.


No-Answer Timeout (sec)

In the column "No-Answer Timeout (sec) you determine, after how many seconds the try shall be aborted when the call is not answered.




If several destinations are entered, the next destination is either addressed immediately or after having played the wait music, if there is one.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70