
The profile consists of a list of optional settings for the users and is assigned to each user object. Hence, the settings are valid for all users. These settings are loaded from estos ProCall by the server and applied. If a setting is defined in the profile, this setting is write-protected in estos ProCall.

In this area the fax client side integration for estos ProCall can be configured. By entering the fax domain at "Exchange Gateway", the fax messages received as e-mail at estos ProCall can be displayed in the speech bubble.

Each line can concern one or more functions. The line can be edited with Edit. Three settings are possible:

  • Not configured
    No specifications are given by the server for this setting.
  • Activated:
    This setting is preset by the server.
  • Deactivated:
    This setting is deactivated by the server. This status is not available for all settings.
See also:
