ixi-UMSUser Preference

Via the website ixi-UMS User Preference, the user can select the deposited coverpage, for example.



The configuration of ixi-UMS User Defaults is valid for all instances. It can only be made available for an LDAP connection (that is, only for a ixi-UMS Mail Server Connector instance).


Die HTML Seite für die ixi-UMS Benutzervorgaben wird im Webbrowser aufgerufen über:

 http://<IP-Adresse des ixi-UMS Mail Server Connector:8890/IXI-UMS_UserConfiguration/Start

Der vollständige Link wird mit der ersten E-Mail des ixi-UMS Mail Server Connector an den "Default-Empfänger" gesendet



If the users shall make use of the website for the ixi-UMS User Preference, the account entered for the LDAP-access must have "write permission" in the LDAP-data base.

Please choose from which data base and via which access the user data shall be stored.


When the query with inbound/outbound UMS-messages is executed via the "Global Catalog", a LDAP Port e.g. 389 must be entered here.


To log in the user, the corresponding attribute must be specified with the login name. Default:

Active Directory: sAMAccountName

Domino: cn

ixi-UMS Benutzerverwaltung: cn


The language adjusted for the web page is valid for all users.


The ixi-UMS Web pages for the users can be published via the "WebTabs" of ProCall. Refer to the <ixi-UMS Kernel Manual in the HowTo article: Set up ixi-UMS web pages.


In order for users not to have to log on to the web pages, authentication can be automatically made via the "ProCall Enterprise Integration" via single-sign-on.



·A ProCall Server version 6 or later is installed on the network
·The "estos UCServer Web Services" service has started and the "Web Service" on port 7224 is available
·The user management for ixi-UMS Enterprise and ProCall are in Active Directory
·The ProCall UCServer is entered in the ixi-Framework configuration



Configuration in ixi-Framework:

Add the Snap-In "ixi-Framework" in MMC

Open the manue "UC Intergration" and enter the UCServer





Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70