Registration Data

With the account entered here, the query to the LDAP-data base is executed. The query is executed with every incoming and outgoing message. Only "read" access is required. See also the How To: "LDAP Authentication and used Attributes".


With the account stated here, the query to the LDAP-data base is executed. For this funktion only "read" access is required.

If the users shall make use of the website for the ixi-UMS User Preference, the account entered for the LDAP-access must have "write access" to the specified ixi-UMS attribute.



Please take Base DN, User DN and User Password from your LDAP-server configuration.


The LDAP-query can be executed on all the OUs within the entire domain.


If the LDAP query is executed on an Active Directory, then the search via the "Global Catalog" can also be performed organization-wide.


If the search shall be limited to single OUs, they can be entered by clicking on the "Add"-button.


The paths must be entered as full BaseDN.


Examples of credentials:

Active Directory:        

         cn=ldap User, OU=ServerAccounts,OU=Muenchen,DC=Deutschland,DC=Organisation,DC=loc


IBM Domino:



ixi-UMS Benutzerverwaltung (default installation):



Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70