With the account entered here, the query to the LDAP-data base is executed. The query is executed with every incoming and outgoing message. Only "read" access is required. See also the How To: "LDAP Authentication and used Attributes".
With the account stated here, the query to the LDAP-data base is executed. For this funktion only "read" access is required. If the users shall make use of the website for the ixi-UMS User Preference, the account entered for the LDAP-access must have "write access" to the specified ixi-UMS attribute.
Examples of credentials: Active Directory: cn=ldap User, OU=ServerAccounts,OU=Muenchen,DC=Deutschland,DC=Organisation,DC=loc
IBM Domino: cn=admin,o=domino
ixi-UMS Benutzerverwaltung (default installation): cn=ixi,DC=net
Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70