Determination of Holidays

In the tab Holidays, you can define single days (the exceptions) and assign a profile to them. What you determine here overrules the settings in the weekly view. Moreover, you can state annual holidays, e.g. Christmas. Holidays with a fixed date that way have to be entered only once. When you want to make any changes, please click on "New Holiday" or "Edit Holiday".




In order to set up a new holiday, click on "New Holiday".



A new window opens (see left).

Enter a name.


Assign the holiday to a profile.

The Profile-selection "Advanced Profile Settings" should only be used in special cases.


Please choose whether the new entry shall be for "one whole day" or for a "Time span".


When you choose "Time span", you can determine the date and the start- and stop-time.

In order to open the calendar, please click on the arrow key next to the date.




The year can be chosen directly when clicking on it.


For repeating holidays, a "Repeated date" can be determined. You can choose between Same Date every year or Different dates.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70