When you start the LDAP configuration for the fist time, an IBM Lotus Domino configuration document is created first. The option "Allow LDAP users write access" enables general write access to the Domino directory.
IBM Lotus Domino is verifying every write operation via LDAP with schema rules. In order that ixi-UMS can store the user settings in the Domino directory with ixi-UMS, this check has to be switched off. For that, please set the option "schema checking" to "No".
Please note: A warning appears which must be answered with "No". If it is not, ixi-UMS will not be able to write to Domino directory.
After configuration, please force configuration change by restarting LDP task via IBM Lotus Domino Console.
If there is no possibility for write permission, please see How To "Save User Data in File System" for more information.
Version 8.00