SSL Support

The web pages for the ixi-UMS Business Configuration and the ixi-UMS Business Portal with the browser-based pages "ixi-UMS Web Journal", "ixi-UMS User Information" and "ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration" are provided by default via HTTP on port 8890. You can also publish them via HTTPS.


To do so, the Apache HTTP Server installed with ixi-UMS Business must be set up and an SSL certificate must be deposited.


Start the "ixiHttpsConfig.exe" in the directory ...\ixi-UMS Business\ixi-Framework\Tools\HttpsConfig



To use HTTPS a SSL certificate is necessary.

You can

·create from the setup a selfsigned SSL certificate,

·import an available SSL certificate

·or (with an update) already in the Apache servers available certificate take over.


On the internal network a selfsigned certificate is sufficient to use the websites from ixi-UMS Business.



If a self-signed certificate is to be used, additional "Subject Alternative Name" (SAN) can be specified as DNS name or IP address during creation.



When "Save and Exit" is chosen, the certificate is stored in the Apache HTTP Server. The required restart of the service is queried.


A self-created and self-signed certificate must be imported into the certificate store of the local computer on all computers (which should use this certificate) under "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".


Version 7