"Office Documents" usually mean word processing files, table calculations and presentation files. The most common formats are:
When e-mails with an attached Office-document shall be sent as fax, this attachment must be "rendered" into a fax-capable format. In order to be able to render attachments, the respective application must be installed on the ixi-UMS Business machine,.
Tested by estos GmbH for the rendering of "Office-documents":
Microsoft Office from version Office 2010 on OpenOffice.org from version 4.0 on LibreOffice from version 6 on
The Office-package should always be installed "User-Defined - Complete". After the installation, the applications must be opened with the ixi-UMS Business installation account. All messages and notes must be terminated in such a way that they no longer appear when they are reopened.
Automatic updates should be disabled.
Please bear in mind, that a loss in formatting may occur when for the rendering, another rendering software is used at the server than at the clients.
Version 7