If in the section Voice Mail, Enabled is set to No, the caller gets an announcement that the voice mailbox is disabled. In Greeting type it is determined, whether this user is enabled to use an individual or a personalized announcement.
At Target for Call transfer is announced by: it is determined, who announces the selection for the call transfer.
The Greeting default language specifies the default announcement language used for the user if no "better" language can be obtained for the caller.
At Language detection it can be determined, on the basis of which criteria the announcement language for the caller is selected.
You have to determine whether the caller can leave a message at this ixi-UMS voice-mailbox or not. When a profile is defined for during off-hours or during breaks, this profile is activated automatically according to the fixed times.
Remark: Depend of the settings the user can change these settings via the ixi-UMS voice-mailbox configuration. Remark: These times are not valid for the profile "Vacationā.
Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70