At Access Mode it can be determined, whether the user can only receive voice mails, record his announcements additionally or also access his mailbox.
By default, the users can dial in their voice box from any telephone and log in by means of PIN-entry.
At Allow access without PIN-entry, phone numbers can be stated from that the user can change his profile settings and access his messages without having to enter the PIN. When dialing in from a number defined here, the main menu is read to the user immediately.
When the Restriction of the remote inquiry is enabled, the log in by telephone can only be done by the call numbers defined subsequently AND the allowed phone numbers at Access withour PIN. If “System Default“ is selected, the restrictions as determined at the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server are valid.
When entering phone numbers for the general access or the access without PIN you have to take care, that the phone numbers are deposited in the format +49 8142 47990.
Remark: If the access is restricted to one phone number, the caller ID must not be suppressed.
Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70