Module Menu

There are 2 kinds of menu modules: the "Classic Menu" Hauptmenueand the "Action Menu" ManueTimer.


The menu modules provide the caller with a list of menu options, from which he can choose by keystroke. At the menu modules, all kinds of modules can be created (exception: the calendar).

With the "Action Menu", you can determine in addition that an action is executed automatically when a caller does not enter anything.

Via the context menu, you can make a "Classic Menu" out of an "Action Menu" and vice versa.





When the module "Menu" is added under another "Menu", it automatically has the function "Return".


Whether a menu module has a prompt or not depends on its position. The first menu module by default has the "welcome prompt".


Whether a submenu has a prompt depends on whether the caller is informed in which submenu he is (then the menu module must get a prompt), or whether the caller is immediately informed about the further selection options (then the module does not need a prompt).


In this case, the option "Prompt required" can be switched off in the context menu.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70