
The display of contact information in Favorites or on the monitor is dependent on what information the user is allowed to see. To be able to control this, authorizations are necessary.
Additionally to the visibility the authorizations defines the availability of contact related functions which are accessible for the user throu the ActiveContacts

Granting authorizations

Any user can give another user permissions to his own contact and own lines. These permissions are always in addition to rights already assigned by the Administrator. You cannot take any rights away from another user.

Authorizations can be awarded through the context menu of the ActiveContacts (in Favorites or monitor), menu point customize authorizations.

Autorizations apply to contact data of the user and to dynamic informations and functions, which are provided by the estos UCServer. The authorizations on the contact have a fixed definition.

Change authorization levels

The Favorites or the monitor will be able to view and change the authorizations once granted simply by using the context menu under Authorization Level:....

Table of user and contact authorizations

The authorizations which can be given to other users are differentiated in 5 levels:

  • Public:
    Public contacts see your name, title, company, business phone numbers and e-mail address.
  • Business:
    Business contacts will see certain contact information and also restricted information about your availability.
  • Team:
    Team colleagues see detailed contact information and differentiated presence information including notes.
  • Personal:
    Personal contacts see detailed contact- and presence information, inclusive a note ans private data.

The overview displays by which authorization level what contact data is transmitted to other users:

Information Blocked Public Business Team Personal
Contact picture X X X X
Display name X X X X X
Job title/position X X X X
Company X X X X
Department (Active Directory® only) X X X
Office X X X
Business address X X X
Work phone X X X X
Business telephone 2 X X X
Mobile number X X
Pager X X X
Private phone X
additional phone numbers (Active Directory® only) X
Business fax number X X X
E-mail address X X X X X
SIP address X X X X
SharePoint/Webseite X X X

The authorisation levels restrict only the contact details exchanged through presence information. The authorization level does not influence the contact search. Contact details, such as e.g., the mobile call number, continue to be visible via a contact search, independently from the authorization levels.

Administratively pre-set authorizations and authorization levels

The administrator can specify authorization levels or individual authorizations. In this case, authorization levels set by the administrator can no longer be reduced. The authorizations entered by the administrator are always the minimum authorizations.

If single authorizations are administratively given instead of authorization levels, the authorization level can only be changed by the administrator.

In estos UCServer further information and functions are available to give authorizations to a contact.
The following definition is valid for standard authorization levels:

Authorization Description Blocked Public Business Team Personal
View contact picture A contact image stored for the user is visible X X X X
See presence The other user is allowed to see the presence (Present, Absent...). X X X X
Set presence The other user is allowed to change the presence.
This right should be set only in the case of special positions of trust.
See note The other user is allowed to see the note. X X
Set note The other user may enter a note. X X
See private appointments The other user is allowed to see the appointments marked as private from the calendar, if the user has released his appointments.
This right should be set only in the case of special positions of trust.
with the indication "Private"
with the indication "Private"
with subject and place
See public appointments The other user is allowed to see the appointments marked as public from the calendar, if the user has released his appointments. X X X
See existing phone numbers The phone numbers assigned to the user (phone number/extension of all lines) are displayed when the mouse pointer is moved to the presence display. X X X X
See line status (free/busy) The other user can see if the phone line is free or busy X X X
First line See outgoing numbers The other user is allowed to see who the user is calling with his primary phone.
This right should be set only in the case of special positions of trust.
See incoming phone numbers The other user is allowed to see who the user is currently being called by on their primary phone. X X X
See diversions The other user is allowed to see that call forwarding is enabled on the phone. X X X X
See the number of a set call forwarding The other user may see to which destination number call forwarding is activated on the phone.
This right should be set only in the case of special positions of trust.
set Call forwarding The other user is allowed to set up call forwarding on the line. X
Pickup call The other user is allowed to pick up incoming calls on the first line. X X
Second line See outgoing numbers The other user is allowed to see with which caller the user is calling with his second phone.
This right should be set only in the case of special positions of trust.
See incoming phone numbers The other user is allowed to see who the user with his second phone is currently being called by. X X
See diversions The other user is allowed to see that call forwarding is enabled on the phone. X X X X
See the number of a set call forwarding The other user may see to which destination number call forwarding is activated on the phone.
This right should be set only in the case of special positions of trust.
set Call forwarding The other user is allowed to set up call forwarding on the line. X
Pickup call The other user is allowed to pick up incoming calls on the second line. X
See line status (free/busy) The other user can see if the AV line is free or busy X
when busy, the AV icon is grayed out
when busy, the AV icon is grayed out
when busy, the AV icon turns red
when busy, the AV icon turns red
see Conversation participants The other user can see who is being talked to about AV. X X
