Telephone journal

The telephone journal will be stored in a server database, which will be centrally created on the server for all users. The users will have access to the journal entries belonging to them.


The journal gathers all telephone events in one database. You can make settings here for how long specified entries will remain stored in the database, before they are deleted.

  • Permanently Keep Journal Records
    Activate this option, if you do not want to delete any journal entries for calls (internal and external).

  • Delete Journal Entries
    • Delete Internal Phone Calls without Notes after X Days
      Select this option, if internal phone calls should be deleted after a certain period of time.
    • Delete External Phone Calls without Notes after X Days
      Select this option, if external phone calls should be deleted after a certain period of time.
    • Delete All Phone Calls with Notes after X Days
      Select this option, if all phone calls with saved notes should be after a certain period of time.
    • Delete chat messages after X days
      Activate this option if you want to delete chat messages after a certain amount of time.

Apply rules now
Thereby, the journal and offline journal maintenance will be performed immediately.

A maintenance cycle may take a long time in some cases and the journal database will be blocked during that time. For this reason, Apply Rules Now should not be executed during normal operating hours.

See also:

