Replicator for Microsoft® Active Directory® directory service

Please note the basic instructions for setting up a replicator on the page Replicator Wizard.

The Replicator for Microsoft® Active Directory® directory service only replicates the changed objects. In the Active Directory® deactivated or expired objects will not be replicated in estos ProCall.

Procedure for creating a replicator

  1. Select data source type
    Select the "Active Directory" database type.
  2. Settings for the data source (selection of the server, data structure to be imported, etc.)
    Server information
    • Active Directory® server
      A Windows® server with an Active Directory® is always an LDAP server. Enter the server name or leave the field empty to use the default domain controller. The default port for the Active Directory® is 389. The Global Catalog is the collection of user information of several Active Directory® servers in the company.
    Login information
    Select how the authentication should take place on the LDAP Server.
    • Manual login
      Enter the user name, password and authentication method for the LDAP Server. The user name must have a specific format. Examples are cn=Username,cn=users,dc=company,dc=com or
    Search options
    Enter where to search in the database.
    • Basis of search
      The Search base is the folder in which the search begins. The Search base is ordinarily automatically read from the LDAP Server.
      All objects from all folders under the search base that match the filter will be replicated.
    • Filter
      You can specify in a filter which entries should be searched in the database. For Active Directory® use (objectCategory=person).
    • Note: When an Active Directory® object is deleted, a small portion of the object is preserved for a specified time, so that other domain controllers can replicate the changes. This period is referred to as "tombstone lifetime" and is configurable. During this time the AD Replicator can query the deleted contacts via the CommonName "Deleted Objects" (e. g., CN=Deleted Objects,DC=domain,DC=com). Replicator users require more rights than only for querying contact data! To find out whether the Replicator user has the necessary access rights, check on the AD Server with the ldp program.exe or check an LDAP browser. The "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417" server control system must be activated in the enhanced LDAP settings for this purpose.

  3. Field allocation, which source fields are being copied to which LDAP fields
  4. Defining replication schedule
