
Here it is set whether the ISDN-controller is connected via a point-to-multipoint access or a point-to-point access.Sie also: Types of ISDN Accesses


Point-to-Multipoint (PMP)

Please choose this setting if the ixi-UMS Kernel is connected to a point-to-multipoint access (of the PBX).


Point-to-Point (PP)

Please choose this setting if the ixi-UMS Kernel is connected to a point-to-point )access of the PBX).


Internal Code

Please enter the main number here, provided that it is transferred by the PBX.


Number of Direct Dialing Digits

When a point-to-point access is selected here, the maximum number of extension digits MUST be stated here.

When 3-digit and 4-digit extensions are used, you have to enter 4 here.




Number in E.164

In accordance to the selection, the call numbers must be transferred in format 4981424799585. Please have a look at "Call Number Transfer in E.164-Format"



When making use of "SMS via fixed lines", the respective configuration must be selected.


Allow outgoing messages only in E.164-format..

If this option is activated, outgoing messages will only be processed if the message has been addressed in the format + 49xxx.

Outgoing messages addressed in another format are sent back to the sender with corresponding information.


Version 8.00