Types of ISDN Accesses

The following types of ISDN accesses are available (either from your telecommunication provider or in your PBX).


·BRI - Basic Rate Interface (also known as S0)

Allows a maximum number of two simultaneous connections


·PRI - Primary Rate Interface (also known as S2M)

Allows a maximum number of 30 simultaneous connections,  only run in PP Mode


The "BRI" access can run in two different modes which are related to the method of addressing terminals (e.g. end users) on the access:


·Point-To-Multipoint (PMP)

This mode can only be applied with S0 accesses. PMP means that you have a number of so called MSNs (Multiple Subscriber Number) available on the access for addressing end users. The number of MSNs depends on whether you have a Telecom ISDN (up to 10) access or a PBX ISDN access (limit depends on PBX). Each MSN represents the address of one end user on this access.


·Point-To-Point (PP)

Instead of MSNs, so-called DDI digits (Direct Dial In) are used to address end users. This means you have a main number for the access and a number of dial in digits which may follow after the main number (usually at least 2). For example with two direct dial in digits, 100 (00-99) end users can be addressed.



By default, all the controllers must have the same type of access (PP/PMP). If the controllers shall serve different accesses (see chapter ixi-UMS Auto Attendant), the feature "MultiSite" must be set up.


Call number transfer to the ixi-UMS Server

For the operation of a UMS-Server, the transfer of the recipient number and the sender number are relevant. With inbound calls, the call numbers are canonized by the ixi-UMS Server into a number in the international E.123 format according to ITU-T E.164 (international numbering plan).

It may be desired that the phone numbers are transferred in international format. In this case the ixi-UMS Kernel needs an appropriate configuration.


·Recipient number

The ixi-UMS recipient number should be transferred to the ixi-UMS Server as extension/MSN. The ixi-UMS Server completes this to an E.123-standard number.


·Sender number

With the sender numbers sent to ixi-UMS by the PBX, "NumberingPlan" (NP) and "TypeOfNumber" (ToN) information must be consistent with the format of the number itself.



A UMS-message is received at the site in Munich from the sender number +49 89 123456. The transfer from the PBX / NTBA to ixi-UMS e.g. can be transferred via one of the following "information pairs" (NP/ToN):


NP ( NumberingPlan)

ToN (TypeOfNumber)

Transferred Number




ISDN - E.164



ISDN - E.164



ISDN - E.164



ISDN - E.164



ISDN - E.164





When a number NP or (and) ToN "Unknown" is signaled by the PBX or the outside line, the internal number conversion rules of the ixi-UMS Kernel are activated. If ""Remove outside line access" is selected, for example, the ixi-UMS Kernel can remove this. In every other case, these rules do not apply.


·Redirecting and Redirection Number

When the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server with the inbound routing option "Route-by-Redirection" shall be used, this must be transferred to ixi-UMS as:


with DSS1

Redirection Number, ETSI ETS 300 207


with QSIG

divertingLegInformation, ECMA-174


Use ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server and / or ixi-UMS Auto Attendant

When the features transfer / connect and/or callback shall be used, the following features must be supported in addition:


oECT (ExplicitCallTransfer)




Required for the redirect of calls (ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server) and transfer to other extensions by the ixi-UMS Auto Attendant.


Additional information:

The service HOLD is needed to hold an active call in order to make the call transfer after having made a consultation call.

Retrieve is needed when the consultation call or the call transfer was not successful in order to reactivate the held call.


Punkt-to-Multipoint (PMP)

Point-to-Point (PP), DSS1

Point-to-Point  (PP), Q-SIG

HOLD/Retrieve (Call Hold, ETS 300 139)

ECT (Explicit Call Transfer, ETS 300 367)

KEIN ECT möglich


Path Replace ECMA  175/176

Call Transfer ECMA 177/178




If the PBX does not support the ECT or a PP must be deployed, the ixi-UMS Server can "emulate" this feature. Please turn to ixi-UMS support department.

This features is only possible with the ISDN-board Dialogic DIVA Server BRI.



For the use of ixi-UMS and ixi-UMS Auto Attendant on one system, the feature "MultiSite" can also be used. With it, it is possible to use a PMP and a PP in parallel operation on one server.



·In a lot of PBX's, Q-SIG offers the most features in combination with ixi-UMS and the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server or ixi-UMS Auto Attendant (callback, transfer). Because of this, we recommend to use the protocol Q-SIG with the deployment at a PP-connection.


Depending on the PBX, another device may be required for the use of "MWI".


Version 8.00