
By default, the sender number in the outgoing ixi-UMS message is passed to the ixi-UMS Kernel.

If no sender number is specified in the message, it is set by the PBX. Alternatively, you can specify which "Calling Party Number" should be sent.

Please note: the phone number must belong to the connected bus/trunk and must be specified in E.164 if necessary




Suppress Calling Party Number

If this check box is marked, ixi-UMS transfers to the CAPI with an outgoing call, that no call number (ISDN-identification / CLIP) shall be sent. The PBX and the connection must support this feature.

(With ISDN: according to ETS 300 102/Q.931, the Byte 3a element of the "Calling party number information" is set; this is converted by the XCAPI according to RFC 3323)



Please note the information on the PBX configuration sheet completed by the TC technician.


Fax. transmission speed:

If the maximum transmission speed is limited in the ixi-UMS Kernel, this information is passed to CAPI when the ixi-UMS Kernel service is started.

It depends on the installed CAPI whether the set maximum transmission speed is maintained.


If required, individual transmission speeds can be defined for individual remote stations.


Version 8.00