For the flawless functioning of some of the features, the correct assignment of the phone numbers to the users is required.
Common voice box number If "Route-by-Redirection" is used for the feature, this feature must be activated and the number set up at the ixi-UMS Kernel must be entered. The common number should also be entered in the Welcome Mail.
Notification By default, the MWI signal to be set is sent to the phone number entered in the User Manager under General - Phone Number (LDAP attribute "telephoneNumber"). If the required phone number is in a different field, another attribute can be specified under "Recipient number for MWI notification". In this field the phone number to which the signal is to be sent must then be entered for each user.
Under "ISDN originating address" the attribute containing the fax/UMS recipient number must be entered. This is then sent to the PBX as sender information when an MWI or SMS notification is created by Notifier Express. The specified attribute must have a phone number from the phone number range connected to the ixi-UMS Kernel. If the ixi-UMS server with Route-by-Redirection is used, the "Route-by-Redirection" number is sent.
In order to determine in the ixi-UMS Kernel Journal for which user the notification was created, an attribute with a unique phone number must be specified under "Sender number for display in journal".
ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration In order to be able to record announcements for your mailbox via the ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox Configuration, the call number of the office telephone has to be read out with the login or the user requires the authorization to specify a telephone number (set in the ixi-UMS Portal Server). By default, the number in the LDAP-field "telephoneNumber" is read out. The number should be deposited in the format +49 30 56889654. If the number of the office telephone is not in this LDAP-field, if the stated number cannot be dialed from internally or is deposited in a "not valid" form (e.g. +49 (030) 56889654), another field can be stated for the LDAP-search.
Version 8.00