
Here it is determined, in which way the number shall be announced in the default announcement:

As extension or in canonical format, this means as complete call numbers.


Precondition for the announcement of the extension is that the site data are entered completely und and are valid.





If several locations are connected, the location routing must also be defined.


The entries in the tab "Location routing" are only necessary if several locations are set up in the <%CORENAME%>. In this case, outgoing messages are routed to the individual locations via a field defined in the ixi-UMS Kernel under "Location Mapping".

This field defined for routing must be specified here. Only then can the MWI and SMS notifications generated by Notifier Express, as well as the jobs generated via the browser-based ixi-UMS Voice-Mailbox configuration for recording announcements via telephone be transferred to the correct location.


Specify the corresponding header field and determine from which LDAP attribute the required value should be read.  




Version 8.00