Registration Data

These settings can only be edited when "individuall settings" were selected under "Connection"

The user entered here needs write permissions on the UMS Attribute Field, as the settings of the users (e.g. PIN) are stored in this field. You do not have to enter the same accountas for the IMAP access.

If these permissions are not granted to the account of the ixi-UMS Mail Server Connector "individual settings" must be selected on the tab "Connection" and the user must be entered.

Base DN, User DN and Password for this user can be found in the configuration of your LDAP-server.




Per default the LDAP-query can be executed on all the OUs within the entire Whole domain. The search can be restricted to Individual OUs within one domain. If the search shall be limited to single OUs, they can be entered by clicking on the "Add"-button. The paths must be entered as full BaseDN.


Version 8.00