XCAPI Test Tool

The "XCAPI Test Tool" can be used to test incoming and outgoing voice calls and faxes as well as setting MWI.

Before you start the "XCAPI Test Tool", please stop the ixi-UMS Business Service !!


Start the XCAPI Test Tool in the ixi-UMS Business Configuration under Hardware or from the Start menu.. The test tool shows you all channels / lines for one controller.





In the left part you see a tab "COMMUNICATION" for each channel/line. All actions of this line are displayed on the tab.


Here you can find out how the numbers are transferred from the telephone system to ixi-UMS Business in order to remove a leading 0 by ixi-UMS Business

Basic Configuration - Call Number Format



In the right part - depending on the current status of the line - calls can be accepted or started.


Via the menu - Extras - Options - you can set which controller (configured in the XCAPI) should be used.



On the "General" tab, you can also enter a sender number and specify how the test tool should behave when an incoming call is signaled.


If ixi-UMS server is already in productive operation, we recommend not to activate the "Auto answere"!


You should enable the "Play build-in announcment.." function on the "AUDIO"" tab.





Only if this announcement is to be heard on the telephone is ensured that the RDP packets are transmitted.



Version 7