Site Settings - Creating the Call Numbers

On the basis of the site settings, ixi-UMS Business generates the UMS-recipient number and the sender number with incoming messages and creates the number to be called with outgoing messages.

Both processes and the required information depend on the settings at the PBX as well as the signaled information about the call number (ToN).


Incomming Calls:

All phone numbers are converted into the full-canonical format (+49...).


Outgoing Call:

If the phone number begins  with + (is addressed in the international format +49304567489) this is shortened on grounds of the location information max. and then the PBX Outside lin access Number is added.

If the outgoing news is addressed in the local or national format (does not begin with +), the phone number is complemented only around the PBX access Number is added..


Incomming - Reciptnumber

Becomes no ToN, or ToN = unknown signalled, the location address puts of the ixi-UMS Business Server normally to the receiver's number (Called party Number) ALWAYS at the head.


If the receiver's number is signalled as a direct dialling number follows:

Server Side: +49 30 456987

direct dialling number: 123

from ixi-UMS Business provided receiver's number around:: +49 30 456987123


If the receiver's number is signalled inclusiv acces number:  

Server Side: +49 30 456987

direct dialling number 456987123

from ixi-UMS Business provided receiver's number around: +49 30 456987456987123


Solution possibilities :

·Configure the PBX for:

odirect dialling number is Recipient number

ocorrect ToN for the Called Party Number (not possible with SIP)

oall phone numbers are signalled in the E. 164 format

·delete the access numer in the server site

·define the access number as  "Internal code" (Point-to-Ponit only)


Incomming - Calling number

The sender's number (caling number) can be signalled to ixi-UMS Business as an internal, local, national or international phone number. Follow the information about phone number transmission and ToN - sender's number.


Some phone arrangement signal, in addition, the PBX acces number. In this case the setting Phone number format must be change.


Signal from PBX: 00896487798 - The PBX access code is include

from ixi-UMS Business Server generate sender number: +89

Activate "remove outside line access..." in ixi-UMS Business Server

Precondition: the transmitted outsite line access corresponds in the location for outgoing talks registered outsite line access and as a ToN it is signalled "unknown"


Signal from PBX: 896487798 - the  nationale Access code ist missing  

from ixi-UMS Business Server generate sender number: +49 89 896487798

The problem can't fixed in the ixi-UMS Business Server The PBX must be configured:

·correct ToN for the Calling Party Number (not with SIP)

·the Calling Party Number must signals with  the nationale Access code


Outbound - Recipient number

In Germany can be chosen within the city without local prefix. If addressed in the international format, the phone number shortens of the  ixi-UMS Business Server  on grounds of the location setting:



Address: +493014987978


1) Server Site : +49 89 xxxxxxx

 the ixi-UMS Business Server shortens: 03014987978

2) Server site : +49 30 xxxxxxx

 the ixi-UMS Business Server shortens : 14987978


In some countries, the area code has to be dialed also with local calls. In this case, it must activate "Dieal alway national access and area code".

Is to be followed with this setting, how the phone numbers in int. Format addressed / are shown:


e.g. Italien:

national = local shown: 02 64489945

national = local shown: +3902644899 -> the "National AccessCode" 0 is a component of the phone number

ixi-UMS Business Server Konfiguration:

In the Server Site must be put down 02 as a "Area Code" and the "National Access Code" must be empty


e.g. Belgien:

national = local shown: 083 64489945

national = local shown: +3983644899 -> the "National AccessCode" 0 is not a component of the phone number

In the Server Site must be put down 83 as a "Area Code" and in the "National Access Code" must must be put down 0



If ixi-UMS Business Server is configured for E.164, all phone numbers are send in format 49.. to the PBX and all phone numbers must signale in this format from the PBX , Please see: Call Number Transfer in E.164-Format

In this case

- the incomming phone numbers are added with + only

- the + will be removed in the outgoing phone numbers


Version 7