Relay Enabling in Exchange 2013/2016/2019

When the version "ixi-UMS Business Mobile" is installed and the user can access his UMS-messages by telephone, he may have to option to answer or forward the messages. This procedure is a "relaying" for the MS Exchange Server. The domain enabled for the relaying must be enabled explicitly.


Open the Exchange admin center. Select the tab "Accepted Domains" at "mail flow".





Create a "New Accepted Domain" via the +-Button". The "Name" can be freely selected.


As "Accepted Domain", have you to enter exactly the sames as determined in the ixi-UMS Business Configuration at "Mailserver Settings - Addressing".


You have to determine that this is an "External Relay Domain" and confirm with "New".



These entries must be made for all types of messages, that can be forwarded by telephone.


Version 7