The journal data base can be exported into an Excel- or Access-file by means of the tool "IBQuery" or directly by ODBC.
You can create an own query for the data export or use the queries delivered by ixi-UMS.
Basically, you should proceed as in the following: Open MS Excel on the ixi-UMS Business Server. Depending on the Excel Version choose the item: - Excel 2003 "Import External Data" in the menu "Data". - Excel 2007 "Data - From Other Sources - From Microsft Query" You now can make use of the queries delivered by ixi-UMS Business via "Import Data" or create your own query via "Create New Query".
At ...\ixi-UMS Kernel\Tools\Journal-Query, you can find the following queries:
The explanations to the single columns can be found at "Data Base Fields".
In order to make use of an available query, just open the respective *.dqy-file by double-click and import the data. The columns are displayed in the original column description.
Version 7