Adding Coverpage-Folders


The coverpages and layout-files are deposited in a folder. All the inserted pictures must also be stored in this folder.

Default paths:

.\ixi-UMS Business \ixi-UMS Kernel\Rconn\Covers


The assignment which user shall use which coverpage is determined in the user administration. There, the folder name must be entered. In this folder, all the required files and pictures must be deposited.


To make a new, additional coverpage available, only a new folder with the required files must be stored in the "root directory".



In the folders, at least a Fax.htm and a SMS.htm must be deposited.

The other files are optional. If pictures are inserted, they have to be stored in the folder as well.




It is determined in the Fax.htm and SMS.htm, which part of the message shall appear where.


<#Subject> = subject line

<#Content> = bodytext


At least the bodytext should appear on the coverpage.





Version 7