IMAP4 Access to all the Mailboxes

The access mode is only possible with Microsoft Exchange 2010. When deploying Exchange 2007, please refer to How To: "Individual IMAP4 User Log-in"


In order to allow all the users to access their mailbox by the ixi-UMS Voice-Mail Server, global access rights are recommended. The access must be executed via a domain user, who is not part of a domain-administrative group.

estos GmbH recommends the access with an explicitly set up "IMAP-User".


Please enable the administrative access for a domain user by entering the following command line in the "Exchange Administration Shell":


add-adpermission -identity "<DistinguishedName of Mailbox Database>" -user <Domainusername> -AccessRights GenericAll




After having changed the settings, the IMAP4 service must be restarted.


Version ixi-UMS_Enterprise_6.70