Creating a Send Connector in Exchange 2007/2010

Please open the "Exchange Management Console" and navigate to "Organization Configuration – Hub Transport". You can enter the Send Connector via the interface (right-click – New Send Connector) by means of the wizard.




Please enter a name and select "Custom".

In the next window, you have to enter the required custom domains.




You have to enter all the wanted domains for the addressing. However, they can be added subsequently as well.



Je nach gewünschten Umfang müssen eingetragen werden die Domänen für:


Fax, SMS, Voc, Alert, tts




The domain "Fax" has to be entered as "custom" type. It is only then that messages can be sent as fax out of the Contacts via the "To"-field.




Select "Route mail through the following smart hosts" in the next window and add the IP-address of the ixi-UMS Business Server.





This can also be changed later in the mailserver configuration.



In the next step, select the Exchangeserver to be used for the route









At least stop the wizard by accepting the offered settings.




In the other way, you can add the Send Connector via Powershell:




Version ixi-UMS_6_Business_SR3