Send Email

You can specify an email server through which email will be sent in the event of errors.

SMTP Server
Enter your email servers hostname or IP-address and Portnummers. Usually used portnumbers are 25 (SMTP), 465 (SMTPS) and 587 (SUBMISSION). TLS-encryption will be used (except on port 25), if it is supported by your mailserver.

SMTP-user (optional)
username for the SMTP-connection (SMTP AUTH)

SMTP-password (optional)
Password for the SMTP-connection (SMTP AUTH)

Address of the Email Sender
Enter the email address for the sender here.

Address of the Email Recipient
Enter the email address to which the message should be sent here.

Permit emails with UTF-8 (UNICODE) content
Enables the server to send emails in UTF-8 encoding. Deselecting this option only emails with characters of ISO Latin-codepage known to the operating system may be send.

Enforce TLS
Enables enforcment of TLS-encryption. If the server doesn't offer encryption or the certificate is inconfidential, the transmission will fail. On port 25 TLS only be used if this option is set. Take care that the certificate contains the SMTP-servers name.

A test-email will be sent. This can take up to one minute. A popup will inform you about success or failure (including details).

Configure the Send Email settings and enable errors to be sent to administrators by email, so that they will be informed immediately about potential errors.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5