
estos MetaDirectory will write extensive log information for potential error searches and the correction of problems. The log file entries have been divided into four categories:

  • Informational Notices
  • Warnings
  • Errors
  • Debug Information

From here, you can determine which information should be recorded and where the log files should be stored. Log files will normally be deleted at the end of each day, unless you choose to archive old log files.

You may automatically send errors through the SMTP server set from Send Email. By doing so, you will be immediately informed if problems occur during the data preparation or replication. The replicators will write their own log files for each replication process. The log files will be deleted just like the estos MetaDirectory log at the end of each day. The option for creating replicator log files may be turned off.

You can also allow errors and warnings to be stored in the Windows Event Log simultaneously with the estos MetaDirectory's log file.

Many estos MetaDirectory Administrator dialogs can be hidden upon request, if you only want to receive notes or warning notices.

Only change the log settings to Log Everything when there are problems. The amount of log data will increase very quickly, especially during replication processes.
Configure the Send Email settings and enable errors to be sent to administrators by email, so that they will be informed immediately about potential errors.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5