Search Wizard

The Search Wizard permits configuration of search requests to the LDAP server. estos MetaDirectory supports the abstraction of search requests. The client can query for specific values of certain LDAP attributes as usual, however generally a contact or a phone will be sought. An LDAP search request for searchContact, searchNumber or searchIndividual will search for a contact or phone number in the LDAP database. Which database fields will be searched by the corresponding request will be configured from the Search Wizard.
Parameterized search is an additional search variant. The web server supports all three search variants, which is why searches in the intranet phone directory are specifically configured from the Search Wizard.

The configuration can be modified directly in the list shown. Click the field you want to change.

You can automatically place wildcards at the end of the search term. These wildcards will be associated with each keyword for all search variants targeting specific database field types. The wildcards are associated with each argument of the relevant field type for parameterized searches.

The field types will be configured from Database Fields.

Contact Search
Contact searches will be performed, if any name desired has been transferred as the keyword. Enable all of the fields, which should be searched for the entered name in the contactsearch column.

Example: entering Meier will trigger a contact search.

Phone Number Search
Phone number searches will be performed upon entry of any number desired. Determine which fields should be searched for the phone number in the numbersearch column.

Example: entering 081512345 will trigger a phone number search.

The fields selected for searches for contacts and phone numbers as well as the default fields (telephoneNumber, otherTelephone, telephoneNumberCompanyMain, homephone, mobile and displayName, givenName, sn, company) have been optimized for quick searching. Selecting more than 10 to 15 fields total is not recommended. After changing MetaDirectory service should be restarted.

Individual Search
Currently, individual search is only supported by the integrated LDAP server. This search request is provided with the searchIndividual attribute. You determine which fields should be searched from the third column, Individual Search.

Parameterized search
A parameterized search enables you to search for certain values in different fields. Search words separated by commas are accounted for separately, meaning all words are looked up in each database field. The lower part of the dialog shows the currently chosen order of search words.

Example: The entered parameterized search defines the following sequence of keywords:
displayed name, surname, department, location, ZIP code and email.
If you want to search for Mr. Müller in the purchasing department, enter the following keywords:
If you want to find the contact for the email address, enter the following keyword in the web server:
For purposes of simplification, the current database field to be searched for a keyword will be displayed by the web server. As soon as you have entered a comma, the web interface will display the individual fields for the parameterized search.

Advanced Search
There is an icon next to the Search button on the web interface, which will open the Advanced Search dialog. The fields from the parameterized search can be filled line-by-line from there.

This dialog enables to configure further search relevant settings:

  • Automatically add a wildcard (*) at the end of a search term for namefields
  • Automatically add a wildcard (*) at the end of a search term for addressfields
  • Automatically add a wildcard (*) at the end of a search term for numberfields
  • User serverside sort
    Is this option activated, searchresults will be sorted at database level, which causes a homogeneously sorted resultlist. This sorting will be done over the complete database result and may slow down the search.
    Is serverside sort deactivated, results are sorted only within a datasource.
The Default-button resets the dialog to default.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5