
Element width

The contacts in the Favorites tab are displayed in columns if the window width permits. With the "Element width" option you can influence as from which width a further column or a column less is displayed. Please note that the entire available window width is always used.

Level of detail

There are 3 levels available:

Low This is the most compact setting, displays just the color of the presence and the name of the contact in one line.
Medium At this stage, the corresponding contact picture (if available) for each contact and CTI information is displayed (phone lines, Calls, diversions).
High Compared to the "Medium" level, just with larger Contact imagse and additionally the position in the company.

Custom Tabs
In this section, addresses of websites can be configured which are shown in the estos ProCall as tabs in the main window. This allows you to integrate web based applications in estos ProCall.

Provide a title each which names the tab and URL (e.g. http://intranet) which is displayed.

Some web applications imply a certain (newer) Internet Explorer® version. You may set the needed emulation mode in the registry for this purpose. With the following registry entry estos ProCall will use the Internet Explorer® 9 compatible mode:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\(Wow6432Node)\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION\ECtiClientOne.exe = [DWORD] = 9000

In order to use the Internet Explorer® 11 emulation mode set this DWORD value to 11000. More information and adaptabilities for embedded Internet Explorer® controls may be found on the Microsoft® web pages.