User-defined actions

User-defined actions serve to implement programmes with certain phone call actions. Some information can be transferred at the start of the programme as a command line. In most cases it will concern applications developed yourself which carry out additional functions, e.g. when a phone call is signalled.

All configured actions are displayed in the list. You can add new actions and edit or delete existing ones.

Action name
Allocate a name here, which is indicated. This name is for your information only and is recorded on the list of available actions on the settings page Behavior.

Give the path for the application which you want to complete here. You can also specify the document to be opened. In addition, specific field names which are replaced at Program start with the corresponding values of the phone call, contact or appointment, can be entered here. You can find an overview in the section action fields.

Command line
Give here which command line of the program should be transferred. As with the application line, the given fields which are replaced by Program start with the corresponding values of the phone call, contact or appointment, can be used here. You can find an overview in the section action fields.

The list in use should be begun.

Here you can state how the program should start (maximised, minimised, normal or hidden). Not every program evaluates this parameter!

It should be a user-defined action which opens the homepage of the caller automatically.

  1. Give the action a descriptive name, e.g. "web page open".
  2. Enter in the application line, the entire path to your Internet browser, e.g."C:\programFiles (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe".
  3. As a parameter, the browser expects the URL of the Internet site to be opened. The URL is restored by estos ProCall One R2 in the contact-action field "WebPageURL ". Enter in the command line of the field names "< Contact. WebPageURL>" or click on "field add" and select the entry of the same name from the list.
  4. You do not have to state the compete list. Simply leave the line "list" free.
  5. Because the browser with the homepage should be indicated, set the mode to "Normal start".
See also:
Search result

Version R2