Contact details

The contact details window contains all available informations and functions for the contact in question. You may open it with the entry Open contact details... in the context menu of the contact or by double click on the contact.

All functions available for the contact are to be found in the icon bar at the upper edge of the window:

  •   Make call
    You can dial every phone number of a contact. The numbers are categorized with symbols:

    •   Business phone number
    •   Mobile phone number
    •   Services - software
    •   Further phone numbers

  •   Plan call
    Use this function if you want to call the contact later. Planned calls will be restored at estos ProCall One R2 after a restart of the client.

  •   Prepare call
    This function permits you to prepare a call. Prepared calls are created directly before a call and permit you to select special parameters such as project parameters etc. before the call is connected.

  •   Edit contact
    With this function you can open the contact in its original source. For example the contact will open in the contact editor of Outlook® if its data source is Outlook®. Please keep in mind that this function is only available if the contact source is Outlook® or IBM Notes® and the according application is installed on the computer.
    Exchange Web Services contacts may be edited using either the installed copy of Outlook® or the Outlook® Web app.

  •   Create new contact
    Click here if you wish to use the existing contact as a template for a new contact. A typical application is a further contact person in the company.

  •   Open calendar
    With the help of this function you can display the opened contact's calendar. Please note that this function is only available for estos ProCall One R2 users who are configured on your Exchange system and that the subscriber's calendar must be enabled.

  •   Contact folder
    Select this entry to open the contact folder where the contact has been stored. Note that this feature will only be available if the contact originated from Outlook® or Exchange Web Services.

  •   New Outlook® journal entry
    Click here to create a new journal entry in Outlook® or on Exchange Server for this contact. Note that estos ProCall One R2 no longer be able to open this contact afterwards.

  •   E-mail
    If you have stored an e-mail address for the contact this function opens the e-mail editor with the recipient's address already filled in.

  •   Website
    If you have specified a Web site for the contact this function opens the browser and loads the relevant Web site.

  •   Clipboard
    This function copies all contact detail information to the clipboard. This information can thus also be used in other applications.

  •   Map
    Call up this function to show the location of the contact on a map in the web browser. To this end, the map service stored in estos ProCall One R2 is used. Please note that a full address is required for this function in the contact.

  •   Route
    Call this function to display a route to the contact's location in the Web browser. The map service set up in estos ProCall One R2 is used for this. Please note that you must have configured your own address in the Location settings. The contact must also have an address.

Overview tab

The tab Overview will show all informations about a contact which were stored. Here you can see all phone numbers, all addresses or the note for example.
Some entries are clickable like links. So you can just click on a phone number to call the contact for example, or send an email by clicking on the email address.
The tab Overview is generated using the template file contact.xslt, which can be adopted to your needs. For more information about adopting it see Dialog adaptation with Templates.

Journal tab

In the Journal tab all phone calls made with a contact can be found.
This inpersonated journal is mostly the same view as in the tab Journal in the main window.

Unprocessed tab

The unprocessed tab shows all entries marked as not dealt with or not read, which relate to the contact opened.
Please note that this inpersonated view is always grouped by days beacause grouping by contact does not make sense here. This is in contrast to the unprocessed tab in the main window.

Planned tab

The Planned tab contains all planned calls you have stored for the opened contact. This inpersonated view is the same as the Planned tab in the main window according to all other functions.

Version R2