Projects with the most calls



The top 5 customers with the most calls made (incoming and outgoing). The Others section refers to the other projects. Projects with the same results are sorted alphabetically. To analyze the calls or call duration of your employees for a project in more detail, click on the segment of the project. A new graphic opens with the Number of Calls or Call Duration of your Employees for a Project over Time.


  • Employee
  • Time period
  • Comparison time period (if trend analysis active)
  • internal/external or all calls
  • The following are displayed:

  • Percentage of the total call volume, or call duration of all projects.

PCA_Graph_Menu_Open Settings:

  • Trend / comparison time period


Evaluation according to:

  • Number of calls or
  • Call duration


  • incoming calls only
  • outgoing calls only
  • incoming/outgoing calls

Database: This evaluation only refers to the current time period, not the comparison time period!

Version 8