Online licenses

The licensing of estos ProCall is done in estos UCConnect. UCConnect is estos's own platform for the cloud, which also provides the online services for estos ProCall.
Since the license for estos ProCall is stored in estos UCConnect, UCServer needs a permanent connection to UCConnect.

The required port and firewall rules depend on the UCConnect services used. The following list shows what must generally be set up in the routers/firewalls. The routers/firewalls must be set up in such a way that a connection once established remains open and all additionally required/requested ports can be used.

Query license

Source UCServer
Destination *
Port 443, TCP

Push service

Source UCServer
Port 443, TCP

ProCall Mobile Service

Source UCServer and all ProCall clients
Source port All
Destination *
Port 3478 and 443, UDP and TCP


Es wird angezeigt ob der UCServer mit UCConnect verbunden ist und welche Services verfügbar sind.

The login data for UCConnect were specified during installation. If these are to be changed, you must log out of UCConnect and log in again. If an "alias" is stored in UCConnect, it will be entered automatically during a new logon.

The server ID or "alias" is required for the apps to log in to UCConnect. You should define a simple alias and inform the users.


The licenses stored in UCConnect are displayed in the Licenses table. The scope and term of the licenses are displayed.

Under the table Licenses you can activate, set up and invite users for using ProCall Mobile by means of wizard.

  • Configure and invite users to use the mobile apps
    If users are to use the estos Mobility Services, they can be selected, set up and informed here .
    • 1st step
      Start the Wizard via the button "Invite user to mobile apps".
    • 2nd step
      Determine those users who should be invited to use the app and click "Send emails".
    • 3rd step
      The users retrieve the email on their smartphones and download the app from the respective store, the link to the store is included in the email.
    • 4th step
      The mail contains another link with all user-specific login information. The user only needs to retrieve this from the smartphone with the app installed and log in with his password only. The password corresponds to that of the UCServer user.
  • Version 8.1