Calendar data counts as the most basic information for the determination of a contact's presence. The estos UCServer obtains this information via an agent-based mechanism which is based on estos ProCall. Because of this, up to date data is always available on the system as long as estos ProCall is logged on.
Until now, people who are often out of office had the problem that they had no client online which updates the changes of appointments to the system.
With estos EWS Calendar Replicator it is possible to keep Exchange server calendar information updated even if users' ProCall is not logged on to the estos UCServer.
estos EWS Calendar Replicator consists of the following components:
The configuration program and online help is always available via the Start Menu.
Setup and operation
The chapter Functionality briefly describes how the replication works.
Requirements contains the system requirements for the installation and the operation of the service.
The chapter Installation specifies the recommended installation procedure.
Configuration and subsidairy chapters describe the required settings and authorizations.
Version 8.1