Either user administration integrated into the estos UCServer or an Active Directory® server can be used to administrate computers, users and groups.
estos UCServer user administration (file-based)
The estos UCServer uses its own user administration, data is saved under Configuration files.
External user management using Active Directory® server
The users, computers and groups from the Active Directory® are used. All settings are stored directly in the Active Directory®. The information is stored in the Active Directory® in the "extensionName" field.
The account entered for the connection requires write permission for the objects in the Active Directory®.
The configuration of users, computers and groups is performed in the estos UCServer Administration.
Active Directory® server
Enter the server's computer name here.
User name
Specify the user name that has write permission to the users, groups and computers (optional) of the Active Directory®. For example, this can be the Administrator Account. Specify the user name in the form Administrator@mydomain.com.
Enter the user's password here.
When this option is activated, an encoded network connection to the Active Directory® Server is forced (LDAPS). The connection will be established on Port 636 (or on the port specified in the computer name). The connection will only be established if LDAPS can also actually be activated.