
estos ProCall writes all log files for the estos UCServer server, the contact data replication and the ECSTA in the installation directory under logs. You can specify here what type of events should be logged for the estos UCServer server and the contact data replication.
For normal operation, you should leave Log errors and warnings set.
If errors occur in the function of the software, the log level must be set to "Debug" until the error has occurred again.
To evaluate the logs for the contact data import and the ECSTAs, the files in the log directory must be opened.

You can activate logging for the ECSTA directly in the configuration of the respective ECSTA.

Maximum size of a log file
The maximal size (in MB) of log files can be specified here. Once the limit is reached a new log file is created additionally.

Keep old logs
estos UCServer produces a new log file every day and deletes the old logs. If this option is activated, the old logs are no longer deleted and thus remain in the above directory.

Send errors as e-mail to administrator
If this option is activated, errors are sent by e-mail to the administrator. It has to be configured under E-Mail dispatch and an e-mail address for the administrator has to be provided.

Delete log files
By pressing this button the logfiles in this directory are deleted.

Collect log files
By pressing this button the created log files are packed into a ZIP archive. A window is opened prompting for the target directory. These ZIP archives are often used by the technical support for understandig better customer's issues.

Windows® event log
Here you can define whether the errors and warnings should be additionally written to the Windows® event log. It is possible to select whether just errors or also warnings are included in the event log.

Media Server Events

To better support an analysis in case of problems with softphone and audio/video, additional recordings can optionally be created here.

Please note that enabling these logs can significantly increase the system load. Logging should only be enabled at the request of support.

See also:
Server events
