
The estos ProCall Business monitor is the extended and more flexible version of the contact area in the main window.

The monitor is activated in the Display monitor in Main menu. The monitor can be filled with contacts like the Favorites tab in the main window. The different sorts of contacts are described in the section about ActiveContacts.

Functions in the monitor menu:

The monitor has its own menu. In the docked state it can be opened with the help of the main menu button.

  • Lookup contact
    Click here if you are searching for a particular contact. The command opens the estos ProCall Business main window and automatically sets the input focus in the search input field.

  • Journal browser
    With this menu item in the Tools sub-menu, you can open the Journal browser. Unlike the Journal tab, you can search all available journal entries here.

  • Inbox
    The Inbox function in the Tools sub-menu switches to Outlook®. You can therefore keep an overview of the e-mails you receive.

  • Display on incoming call (own line)
    Activate this option in the Characteristics sub-menu if the monitor is to be displayed for incoming calls.

  • Display on incoming call (all lines)
    Activate this option in the Characteristics sub-menu if the monitor is to be displayed when a call comes in from a saved contact (or line).

  • Docked to the edge
    Set this setting in the Viewsub-menu if the monitor is to be docked at the edge of the screen as a sidebar. You can also place the monitor next to a different screen edge by picking it up and dragging it to the appropriate position.

  • Always on top
    Set this setting in the View sub-menu if the monitor is always to be displayed. It can then no longer be covered by other windows.

  • Automatically in the background
    Set this setting in the View sub-menu if the monitor should automatically 'sleep' when it is not being used. Please note that this option is only available if the monitor has been docked to the side.

  • Display group title bar
    Activate this option if the monitor is to display the the groups' title bar.

  • About ProCall Business
    Here you get information about the product version of estos ProCall Business and you have the possibility to get more detailled support informations and log files.

  • Close monitor
    Click here to close the monitor window. You can open it again by using the context menu on the task bar icon or using the menu button in the main window of estos ProCall Business.

Arranged in groups:

The estos ProCall Business monitor offers various possibilities for individual and intuitive grouping of ActiveContacts. So it is possible to group ActiveContacts and to move them around freely by Drag & Drop. Groups will be visualized by tabs in the monitor. So you can picture organisational structures or project teams.

You can arrange groups side by side, one below the other or behind each other. Just right click and hold the button on the title of the group and move it arround to the desired position on the monitor.Positioning arrows which are displayed help you and show you where you can place the groups. Release the mouse button over the positioning arrow which represents the desired position.

Functions in the group context menu

Find more options in th econtext menu of the according group. This menu will be displayed via right click on the title of the group or in a free space inside the group.

  • Group
    • New...
      Click here to create a new group. For this you must specify a group name and confirm with "OK".

    • Rename...
      Use this function if you wish to give the group a different name. Confirm the group name with the OK button in the dialog window.

    • Delete...
      With this function you can remove an existing group. Please note that this function cannot be undone and all ActiveContacts within the group are also deleted.

  • View
    • No sorting
      Select this mode if you want to choose the order of the contacts yourself (use the mouse).

    • Sort by display names
      Use this function to sort all ActiveContacts inside the group according their display name. Please keep in mind, that administrative groups, like the line group, cannot be sorted.

    • Sort by presence
      Unlike display names and numbers the presence status is not color assorted. Rather, each Active Contactis categorized into 3 groups and each category is shown in specified order.

      • Online and available
        This includes following presences: available, busy, do not disturb, inactive
      • Offline, but absent
      • Not logged in or presence unknown

      Thus, each category contains one or more contacts which are sorted alphabetically.

    • Sort by phone number
      Run this function to sort all ActiveContacts of this group by their phone number.

  • Chat with <Group name>...
    Click here to start a chat with all contacts of this group.

  • Add contact
    This function opens a dialog window with which you can search for contacts and lines. Select the appropriate contacts or lines from the result list which are to be added and confirm you rselection with "OK".

  • Add key
    Click here to insert a quickdial button in this group. A dialog will appear, where name, phoneline and the number to call should be entered. You may also enter a PBX code to make a special PBX feature available throu this speed-dial key. Close the dialog by clicking on OK.

Visualisation of estos ProCall Business users on the monitor.

estos ProCall Business users have a special role on the monitor (and in the tab Favorites). Their availability is displayed with a presence icon. Also displayed are phone number diversions and calendar entries of estos ProCall Business users. Further information in the segment ActiveContacts.

Contacts from the Search tab can be moved with drag&drop from the main window into the monitor.
Incoming calls from contacts within a group are indicated by a triple red flash if the relevant group is not visible.
To re-order the groups it may be necessary to display the groups' title bars. This is especially the case if there are no group tabs due to the current layout.
The current layout can be reset at any time. Switch to the settings with Advanced.
When using multiple monitors, the monitor can be docked on the screen between two screens. Please note, that the setting "Auto Hide" move it to the desktop edge of the monitor, because the monitor can not be hidden between the screens.
