The full text search (also Fulltextsearch or FTS) changes the search behavior of contact and individual search (attributes searchContact, searchIndividual).
It allows to quickly search the MetaDirectory for one or more strings within a field.
The full text search uses the settings of the default search. If the full-text search is activated, the database fields used for the search are displayed.
Wildcards are used in the full text search according to the settings of the standard search. However, they can also be specified explicitly. Leading wildcards are not valid and are therefore ignored.
In a defaultsearch search, there will be a hit if the search pattern matches the field contents. If a field contains several names like 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart', you would get a hit with the search pattern 'Wolfgang' when searching for 'Amadeus' but not. The use of leading wildcards, in this case '*Amadeus*', is unperforming and can therefore lead to a timeout of the database. Ist die Volltextsuche aktiviert, so kann nach jedem Wort innerhalb eines Feldes gesucht werden. Es können auch mehrere Wörter, wie 'Amadeus Mozart', zugleich und in beliebieger Reichenfolge, 'Mozart Amadeus', gesucht werden. If the 'Company' field is a search field for the name search, you can also search for the combination '<Name> <Company>' can be searched for. |
Example with data from the sample folder in full-text search:
Pattern | Matches |
"Amadeus" | Wolfgang Amadeus |
"Amad*" | Wolfgang Amadeus |
"Becke*" | "Becker Beate" and "Beckenbauer Alexander" |
"A* Becke*" and "Becke* A*" | "Beckenbauer Alexander" |
Version 6