Setup for special LDAP end devices

If you are using special LDAP applications or endpoints where the default settings do not work easily, you have several options to customize the server for this. Usually it is because your LDAP system looks for certain attributes that the LDAP server does not know or waits in the result for certain attributes that are not delivered. Another problem can be the objectClasses that your application expects but are not delivered by the estos MetaDirectory.

Attribute assignment
Starting point for this are configuration files with the extensions .termxml in the installation directory under config/default. In these files you can specify mappings for the attributes of the LDAP server. By default, estos MetaDirectory only knows the LDAP attributes stored in the schema. In these mappings you can rename these attributes.
If your LDAP application searches or filters for special attributes in the estos MetaDirectory, you can change these attributes to the attributes used by the estos MetaDirectory. In the same way it is possible to rename the delivered attributes.
The assignment file will be divided into three areas in the XML file:

  • QueryFilterMapping for the filter used by your system
  • QueryAttributeMapping for the attributes sought by your system
  • ResultAttributeMapping for the result attributes expected by your system

      <String Key="SAMAccountName">displayName</String>
      <String Key="SAMAccountName">displayName</String>
      <String Key="displayName">SAMAccountName</String>

The SAMAccountName transferred from you application will be assigned to the displayName for the request and the filter attributes, which will be used for searching and filtering. In turn, the displayName attribute will be assigned to SAMAccountName in the result.

Regular Expressions
The search filter values can be manipulated with the help of regular expressions. To do this, the assigned fields in the query filter must be extended by using the regsearch and regreplace attributes.

	<String Key="searchNumber" regsearch="^0(.*)" regreplace="$1">searchNumber</String>
With version estos MetaDirectory the module for regular expressions has been replaced.
Therefore, in the regreplace attribute, the operators "\<num>" must be replaced by "$<num>" and "&" must be replaced by "$&".

This replacement is done automatically. The original file is saved with the extension .bak.

In this example, the leading 0 is removed from all LDAP queries for the "searchNumber" filter.

Adding ObjectClasses
You can assign additional object classes associated with the supplied contacts to the server in addition to manipulating the attribute assignments. You can also store them in the .termxml files.


The .termxml files are re-read by the estos MetaDirectory at runtime when changes are made. You must re-establish the connection from the admin to the server after a change, so that the admin fetches the changed settings from the server. You can then immediately assign the new terminal profile in database management on a database node.

Version 6