Setup for Mitel OIP

The Mitel Open Interfaces Platform (OIP) supports the connection of an LDAP server. This is used both for the number search when calling and for the name search.


  1. Data Source
    Configure a replicator or a phonebook.
  2. LDAP node
    You can use the LDAP node dc=meta. If you want to use custom settings for the node, configure a new LDAP node in Database Management.
    Authentication Optional
    Phone Number Formatting Unformatted
    End Device Support Default
  3. Phone System
    Open the OIP configuration app. Navigate to the OIP Services, LDAP Directory Service. Use the following configuration:
    LDAP Server Address IP address or host name of the MetaDirectory server.
    LDAP Port TCP port of the MetaDirectory server (712)
    LDAP Base-DN dc=meta
    LDAP object class person
    LDAP search filter
    Follow LDAP referrals Disabled
    First name givenName
    Middle Names DEFAULT-MAPPING
    surname sn
    Personal address - Street privateAddressStreet
    Personal address - ZIP code privateAddressPostalCode
    Personal address - City privateAddressCity
    Personal address - State privateAddressState
    Personal address - Country privateAddressCountry
    Company address - Street streetAddress
    Company address - ZIP code postalCode
    Company address - City l
    Company address - State st
    Company address - Country c
    Business phone number telephoneNumber
    Business fax facsimileTelephoneNumber
    Personal phone number homephone
    Personal fax number otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber
    Cell phone cell
    Pager pager
    Primary phone telephonePrimary
    Alias displayName
    Company company
    E-mail mail
    Personal email mail2
    Mobile email DEFAULT-MAPPING
    Website url
    Supervisor DEFAULT-MAPPING
    Department department
    Custom 1 Custom0
    Custom 2 Custom1
    Custom 3 Custom2
    Custom 4 Custom3
    Custom 5 Custom4
    Remarks info
    Number of phone number items 20

Version 6