Server Certificates

A server certificate is required for encrypted communication via TLS (Transport Layer Security).

Server Certificates
A server certificate serves to uniquely identify a server. The certificate must have been issued to the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the server. The server certificate must have been issued by a trusted authority. Certificates are configured from the Microsoft Management Console (MMC)'s Certificate Snap-in.

Certificate Storage
The used certificates must be stored in the memory "Local computer / Own certificates" and must contain a private key. You open the certificate store "Local computer"' with the MMC console.

  • Select Run... from the Windows Start menu and enter mmc.exe.
  • Select File | Add/Remove Snap-In...
  • Select Add. From the list of available snap-ins, select Certificates. Select Computer Account, Local Computer, and press Finish.
  • Go to Certificates (Local Computer) / Personal in the treeview.

Version 6