

Trace and logging should only be activated in case of problems with the SMS dispatch and on the advice of the company <%Company%>.


In the log the connection attempts and errors to the selected provider are written.

The CAPI trace is only created for "SMS via ISDN/VoIP" (SMS-ins-Fixed Network).  



The Capi Trace is a log which can only be evaluated by specially trained personnel. If the evaluation is to be carried out by estos, a PBX configuration sheet, which has been filled out by the corresponding PBX technician, is absolutely necessary!

In addition, only the exact problem case should be included in the trace/log - i.e. only one SMS should be "traced".


The log and trace files are created in the folder ...\ixi-Framework\Logs\<location name>.




In the log the connection attempts and errors to the selected provider are written.

The "IFXSMS2SoapXXAction.txt" is created in the directory ...\ixi-Framework\Logs



Communication with the telephone system is traced.



The Capi Trace is a log which can only be evaluated by specially trained personnel. If the evaluation is to be carried out by estos, a PBX configuration sheet, which has been filled out by the corresponding PBX technician, is absolutely necessary!

In addition, the trace/log should always contain exactly the problem case - i.e. only one call, fax etc. should be recorded. should be "traced".


The log and trace files are created in the folder ...\ixi-Framework\Logs\<location name>.


Version 8.00