

The trace should only be activated in case of problems with the ISDN/VoIP connection and on advice of estos GmbH.



This is a trace that can only be analyzed by well-trained staff. When the traces shall be analyzed by estos

GmbH GmbH, a PBX Configuration Sheet that has been filled out by the respective PBX-technician is


In addition to that, only the current unsolved problem should be contained in the trace, this means only

one call, fax etc. should be traced.



Please take into account that the trace-files can get big very quickly. You should activate the traces only as

long as it takes to analyze the problem!


All log and trace files are created in the folder ...\ixi-Framework\Logs\<location name>.


CAPI Trace Level: Defines the scope of the information in the trace.



Note that in 99% of cases, a trace with a log level of "Normal" is sufficient


If log rotate is enabled, 4 logfiles are created per channel. The first logfile IFTRCx.txt is not overwritten after having reached the determined size. The files IFTRCxa.txt - IFTRCxc.txt are created. When all the files have reached the determined size, the files are overwritten, beginning with the file IFTRCxa.txt.


When setting the size, take into account the amount of memory required.




Extended User Look-Up

The log is used for troubleshooting and should only be activated if necessary. It logs the LDAP query and the result for incoming calls if the " Extendet User Look-Up" is activated.


Version 8.00